Google Maps to Terrain Mesh
This tutorial will show you how to select a section of terrain from Google Earth and convert it into a usable terrain mesh for further adjustments within a modeling package such as Maya and then for inclusion into a Quake Wars level.
Software required.
Google Earth
First download and install the above programs. To install SRTM3 just double click and it will open Google Earth, just save to my places when you close the program. This is an overlay file which enables you to directly download the data files for the the area which you would like.
The next stage is to select a part of the the earths terrain that you which to use.
In this example I will use an area of Scotland. We zoom into an area we like to identify a specific location or smaller area of terrain. Tilting the view at an angle will give you a good view of the terrain. Now we are happy with our selection we can move onto the next stage.
Retrieve Data
Now select SRTM3 on the left of the screen in Google Earth . A grid will appear over the terrain identifying the different areas. As you can see in this picture the area we need is labeled "Data for : srtm_36_01". Select this and a box will open. Scroll down to the bottom. Select preview the tile . The smaller sub-sets of data will be highlighted. On the left of Google Earth move down to Elevation preview and open, then select Global or local legend. Now you will see the sub-sets. You will see download locations for the files you need. When you select one of these you will see the option "Download the data for subtile :".
The next stage is to run Microdem and load in the file that you have just downloaded.
File>Open>Open DEM
If you get an error try this updated exe file.
At this point you can right click on the map and select Legends and uncheck all to give us a clear image. Then find the area you need and choose "Subset & zoom" (4th icon from the left). Drag your mouse over the area you want. When you have the area you want, right mouse and choose "Display Parameter" and then "Elevation". Next choose "Gray scale" and press "z Range". Choose your min, max values or leave as default and press "ok".
Go to "File" and "save image".
Option 1
Next step is to run Wilbur and load up the image you have just created. Then go to "File" and "Save As". Under "Save As type" choose "3D Wavefront OBJ (*.obj)". Give it a name but also add the suffix (.obj) as it wont. Now open a modeling program that can import .obj files. You will need to rotate the mesh -90 on the x-axis.
Option 2
I'll point you to another option which is to bring the height map directly into Maya. Check out this tutorial by Hakuryu at ET:QW-Maps.
You could use a low sub-division like 32 instead of 128 and then use smooth in areas for higher detail.
This tutorial was based on one by MGSteve at the Transport Tycoon Forums.
Software required.
Google Earth
First download and install the above programs. To install SRTM3 just double click and it will open Google Earth, just save to my places when you close the program. This is an overlay file which enables you to directly download the data files for the the area which you would like.
The next stage is to select a part of the the earths terrain that you which to use.
In this example I will use an area of Scotland. We zoom into an area we like to identify a specific location or smaller area of terrain. Tilting the view at an angle will give you a good view of the terrain. Now we are happy with our selection we can move onto the next stage.
Retrieve Data
Now select SRTM3 on the left of the screen in Google Earth . A grid will appear over the terrain identifying the different areas. As you can see in this picture the area we need is labeled "Data for : srtm_36_01". Select this and a box will open. Scroll down to the bottom. Select preview the tile . The smaller sub-sets of data will be highlighted. On the left of Google Earth move down to Elevation preview and open, then select Global or local legend. Now you will see the sub-sets. You will see download locations for the files you need. When you select one of these you will see the option "Download the data for subtile :".
The next stage is to run Microdem and load in the file that you have just downloaded.
File>Open>Open DEM
If you get an error try this updated exe file.
At this point you can right click on the map and select Legends and uncheck all to give us a clear image. Then find the area you need and choose "Subset & zoom" (4th icon from the left). Drag your mouse over the area you want. When you have the area you want, right mouse and choose "Display Parameter" and then "Elevation". Next choose "Gray scale" and press "z Range". Choose your min, max values or leave as default and press "ok".
Go to "File" and "save image".
Option 1
Next step is to run Wilbur and load up the image you have just created. Then go to "File" and "Save As". Under "Save As type" choose "3D Wavefront OBJ (*.obj)". Give it a name but also add the suffix (.obj) as it wont. Now open a modeling program that can import .obj files. You will need to rotate the mesh -90 on the x-axis.
Option 2
I'll point you to another option which is to bring the height map directly into Maya. Check out this tutorial by Hakuryu at ET:QW-Maps.
You could use a low sub-division like 32 instead of 128 and then use smooth in areas for higher detail.
This tutorial was based on one by MGSteve at the Transport Tycoon Forums.