Gangs 4 Life

In the first of a round up of mods in develpment for Quake Wars. Here is Gangs 4 Life. This mod is based in the 50s, Oh those were the days .You will choose to play as either the Mafia or Les Bandas. Fighting for control of the city. Yes there will be weapons and possibly some harsh language.
In this interesting setting for a mod, if not unique. I expect urban maps to rule and of course being set in the 50s will add an extra challenge to mappers. With varied game play modes the mod is expected to launch with four maps. I will be watching out for updates and posting them here.

The four maps expected at launch are:

- Casino ( Las Vegas, United States )
The Bandas will have to steal money from a safe and escape with it in a truck after taking the truck to the paint shop for a new spray job.

- Fish Factory ( Lausanne, Suisse )
The Bandas discovered that the Mafia had a headquarters based in Suisse where they export drugs and other money making activities. The Bandas have to infiltrate this building and steal plans with all their routes where they export the stuff to. They have to escape with the documents in a boat at the other side of a lake and then make their escape by plane.

- Haçiènda ( Tepic, Mexico )
Mafia spys have discovered that the Bandas have a diamond which means a lot to them. They have to steal it from the Bandas so they can sell it for lots of cash and make the Bandas poorer. They have to get in the haçienda that is secured with guards and then they have to disable all security and get the diamond in a tractor.

- Hoover Dam ( Arizona , United States )
The Bandas have a large area of land where they plant drugs to make money and the Mafia found out. If the dam is destroyed, the Bandas can't plant drugs anymore on their land and can't make any profit.
The Mafia has to destroy the generators and a turbine and they also have to disable the power in the control room. After that they have to till up the handle of the intake and all the land of Bandas will be destroyed and no more drug plants. Increasing the Mafias stranglehold on the city.

If you would like to be a part of this mod why not head over there now as they are looking for team members.


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